Sem 05 / Ontologies and Genealogies

What is a Market?

Dushyant Asher

An approach that case studies make a precedent for the study of types in the study of ontology and doing it through a thorough study of these cases and market types that become the base diagrams and also help articulate the arguments for the genealogical development of an architectural idea that emerged through the study of markets in the suburbs of Mumbai. A patch abutting the railway line (a lifeline for the city commute) that holds the many commerce establishments as a market type. The context of a dying Maharashtrian ad Koli neighborhood to a new commercial hub for the northern suburbs of Mumbai.

New types that came up across the 90s and 2000s were many commercial centers that operated like markets for clothing and malls and existing on-street sellers, including the biggest and oldest Indraprastha Mall. The Municipal market is the biggest market that exists for perishable and non-perishable items. Under such contexts, the ambition that the design provocation expected is to introduce a new type of market and shopping experience for everyday users and commuters. An intense study of the given urban patch developed different diagrams of transaction both architectural and social and cultural practices.

Diagrams of intimacies, modularity, dissolving boundaries, and other such architectural conditions emerged as responses to the ambition of the brief. New market types where people, animals, authorities, commoners, produce and products all were configured in ways where the individual and the group engage in ways where local practices could be inhabited and configurations that afforded many programs beyond the typical market and its limitations.
Work from the studio can be found here.