Sem 1 | Studies of Form
Drawing a Journey
Apurva Talpade
The journey as:
A provocation to make a drawing of space that is not inconsiderate of the everyday, but where experience becomes a new and commanding coordinate to navigate space.
The journey as:
A video game
A dream landscape
A filthy terrain
A space of gazes
A quick portal between suburbs
A changing intensity of light
A transforming series of landmarks
A collection of observed practices
A collection of detritus
A collection of intimate shelters
A pause, with a lunch box
A long pause, in traffic
A whirl of faces, quickly passed
A throng of faces, closely observed
A squeezing out from small streets into large crossroads
An aggregate of instances
A recently made familiarity with a new neighbourhood
An ease and closeness within an old neighbourhood
(among others)
The drawing as:
A principal means to imagine new space
A site of new space
An investigation into the mechanics of memory
A means to fold time
An extension of the movements of the body
A throng of several narratives
(among others)